
How to install LAMP on Ubuntu with PHP-FPM

Tested this on a lot of servers already before writing this post. I needed to move from SquareSpace to Vultr VPS, so this post is from that. This is what I am using… Server: Ubuntu 14.04 Memory: 512MB CPU: 1 Core Disk: SSD Cost: $2.5 per month   First we install Apache2 & MySql servers. …


Switched my Blog from SquareSpace.com to WordPress on Vultr.

switched to wordpress from squarespace

SquareSpace.com is beautiful indeed, but misses a lot of features even today and its much costlier than a small VPS server. So, switched to WordPress and found a beautiful theme for my blog. Vultr server I bought costs just $2.5 per month and I can do a lot more with it than just SquareSpace.