
Slow WordPress website on Docker for Mac?

Dear Diary! Docker for Mac has a know problem with mounted volumes speed. I tested that container’s root volume had almost NO speed compromise vs mounted volume.   You can test speeds using dd for root volume, location can be just /tmp. I tested this on ubuntu:14.04 image. dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/output bs=8k count=300k; rm -f …

Animations, Flash Animations, FREE

Aligned Menu V1

Aligned Menu V1

Features 1. Can have a lot of ways of presenting as the menu is very much flexible. 2. Feed as many items via xml as you want. 3. Align the menu at any place… left, right, top or bottom. 4. The menu sets itself automatically as soon as the stage resizes. 5. Width and height …

Animations, Flash Animations, FREE

Alignable Triangles Photo Menu – AS3

Alignable Triangles Photo Menu

This is a nice menu with flying triangles animation, which can show photos with each page you select. Action script and XML file are well-commented. Please check comments in the XML file for how to use help. – SETTINGS – These settings can be controlled in this XML file… 1. alphaspeed – speed for alpha …

Animations, Flash Animations, FREE

Draggable Advanced Original 3d Globe with Locations Feature – AS3

Draggable Advanced Original 3D Globe-Small

Features 1. You can show any image on the globe you want, as the 3D work is done using action script. The image can be a transparent png image too. 2. Can have as many locations as you want. 3. Locator – You can use this red dot to find the location of a place… …

Animations, Flash Animations, FREE

18 Beautiful Buttons

18 Beautiful Buttons

These are fully vector buttons made in flash. So, you can stretch them as much as you want without loosing quality. All the buttons are placed on the stage. To use, just drag and drop any button into your FLA files. To see how to assign a click function to a button… an example is …