


A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module.

Available Methods: records


async function(callbacks, configKey, sourceRecords, records, itemKey, table, fields) {
  if (typeof itemKey === "string") {
    var str = itemKey;
    itemKey = {left: str, right: str};
  if (!app.has(sourceRecords)) sourceRecords = {};
  var i = 0;
  for (sourceKey in sourceRecords) {
    var sourceRecord = sourceRecords[sourceKey];
    if (app.has(callbacks.sourceRecord)) {
      var pRecord = sourceRecord;
      sourceRecord = await callbacks.sourceRecord(sourceRecord);
      if (sourceRecord === false) continue;
      if (!app.has(sourceRecord)) sourceRecord = pRecord;
    var record = app.utils.object.exists(records, itemKey.right, sourceRecord[itemKey.left]);
    var method = "PATCH";
    if (app.has(record)) {
      record = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record));
      record.fields = {};
      for (var key in record) {
        if (key !== "id" && key !== "fields") {
          record.fields[key] = record[key];
          delete record[key];
    var oRecord = app.has(record) ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record)) : undefined;
    if (!app.has(record)) {
      method = "POST";
      record = {fields: {}};
    for (var f=0; f<=fields.length-1; f++) record.fields[fields[f]] = sourceRecord[fields[f]];
    for (var key in record.fields) {
      if (fields.indexOf(key) < 0) delete record.fields[key];
    record.fields[itemKey.right] = sourceRecord[itemKey.left];
    var changed = undefined;
    if (app.has(oRecord)) changed = app.utils.object.changed(sourceRecord, oRecord.fields, Object.keys(record.fields), [itemKey.right]);
    if (!app.has(oRecord) || app.has(changed)) {
      if (app.has(changed)) {
        console.log("CHANGED: " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left] + ": " + changed);
        if (app.has(sourceRecord.Status)) {
          delete record.fields.Status;
          if (changed.toLowerCase() === "status") {
            console.log("(" + (i + 1) + "/" + Object.keys(sourceRecords).length + ") " + table + " skipped status: " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left]);
      } else {
        console.log("NEW: " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left]);
      if (app.has(record.createdTime)) delete record.createdTime;
      var {result, error} = await app.api.airtable.request("result", function(json, page) {}, table, "Grid view", [], method, {records: [record]}, undefined, undefined, configKey);
      if (!error) {
        console.log("(" + (i + 1) + "/" + Object.keys(sourceRecords).length + ") " + table + " updated: " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left]);
        if (app.has(callbacks.updateRecord)) {
          await callbacks.updateRecord(result);
      } else {
        console.log("(" + (i + 1) + "/" + Object.keys(sourceRecords).length + ") " + "Could not update " + table + ": " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left], error);
    } else {
      console.log("(" + (i + 1) + "/" + Object.keys(sourceRecords).length + ") " + "Skipped " + table + " update to Airtable: " + sourceRecord[itemKey.left]);
    i += 1;
    // if (i === 0) break;

Happy Coding!

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