A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module. namespace: ac-bundle-module
Available Methods: exists, has, changed, keyProperCase
Animate your life. Don't be static.
A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module. namespace: ac-bundle-module
Available Methods: exists, has, changed, keyProperCase
A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module. namespace: ac-bundle-module
Available Methods: httpAgent, httpsAgent, fetch
Sometimes I need to initialise a node.js package inside an empty folder without needing to confirm all the defaults. So, I use -–force (-f)
A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module. namespace: ac-bundle-module
Available Methods: requestDynamic, requestCallback
I made this drawing by seeing Elsa’s photo.
Makes it easy to work with the Airtable API and perform tasks such as fetching and updating records. Fetches all records if page number not provided.
app.api.woo.updateProduct(options, product);
A module for ac-bundle-app, published by ac-bundle-module. namespace: ac-apps-minimal
Available Methods: getRecords
I drew this watching a face on Youtube.
This is the command which will do the magic: dd if=/dev/sda1 | gzip | rclone rcat db-disks:/path/to/backup.gzip This command will read full disk contents and will stream it to gzip command for compression and which in turn stream to rclone. We are guiding rclone to rcat (remote cat) those contents to the desired remote path. …